The title of this blog draws from my time as an apprentice at the Cob Cottage Company in costal Oregon. If you spend time with natural building folk, you'll eventually find yourself around a fire, sing silly songs about cob and natural building. Folks usually refer to these oftentimes improvised tunes as "cobsongs". I often sang..."There is a house in old coquille, they call the rising earth, it's been the work of many hands, and you know what that's worth..."
Our 7-day Cob workshop at Pickard's Mountain Eco-Institute turned out to be an inspired gathering. It was a joy to spend a week building with everyone. Thank-you students, interns, hosts, cooks!
We spent a week building an outdoor cob pizza kitchen and exploring natural building through hands-on experience. Were fortunate to have a skilled photographer attend, so here are a few images that artfully capture some of the week's activity: