why rising earth?

The title of this blog draws from my time as an apprentice at the Cob Cottage Company in costal Oregon. If you spend time with natural building folk, you'll eventually find yourself around a fire, sing silly songs about cob and natural building. Folks usually refer to these oftentimes improvised tunes as "cobsongs". I often sang..."There is a house in old coquille, they call the rising earth, it's been the work of many hands, and you know what that's worth..."

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New wall with the new year

I formed this up after Christmas and poured the two last days of the year. It had been cold and frozen for weeks, putting this concrete work on hold. Luckily it warmed up and I got just a long enough window of about three days to pour and most importantly, cure the concrete. I went to the site New Year's morning to cover and insulate the wall, it was going to get cold again that day and I didn't want it to freeze too soon. I covered it with plastic and a lot of straw.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kitchen Framing

Here is my working plan for the kitchen framing at this point. More to come soon.